QA Lead

Within many education institutions, Quality Assurance of education is often not fully understood nor appreciated by many staff members who see it mostly as a distraction to their day-to-day work. Generally, the senior management and leadership of these institutions are more positive about the need and value of Quality Assurance, and although they have a significant expertise as to what constitutes quality education, they often don’t really know how to translate that to a Quality management system that is fit for purpose and makes best use of the results of the outcomes of QA processes and procedures for the improvement of education. Especially in smaller institutions, like typical PHE/HVET institutions within the project partnership, there are no real QA specialists or specifically appointed QA managers to take this on and it therefore falls upon senior managers to take the lead in the development, implementation, and improvements of institutional Quality management systems. QA Lead aimed to offer support to institutional leaders in this as well as a more general aim to change attitudes towards quality assurance from a compliance focused mind-set to a focus on the needs of learners, enterprise, and society.

Full Project Name

QA lead – Equipping Institutional Leaders to Maximise Gains from Quality Assurance



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KIC's role

At the QA Lead project KIC collaborated with the partners in the development of all intellectual outputs and took the lead in developing the structure of the training as well as authoring the initial training materials in the form of a QA Manual for institutional leaders (IO1). Across the project KIC was also responsible for the internal and external communication, including the networking strategy and dissemination planning.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.