
Apprenticeships assure quality learning, decrease skills mismatch and increase youth employment. However, quality apprenticeships depend on mentorship competence and, although most mentors at SMEs are highly skilled on their technical area, they lack the necessary pedagogy to be able to transfer these skills to apprentices. The MentorTrain project, therefore, aims to create a platform for imparting pedagogical skills to mentors, particularly experienced workers from SMEs who may not necessarily have relevant teaching experience but are working with students/apprentices from professional higher educational institutions at EQF levels 5-7.

Full Project Name

MentorTrain – Competent Mentors for Competent Apprentices



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KIC's role

KIC collaborated with the partners in the development of all intellectual outputs and led the creation of a design-thinking-framework which can be applied by apprenticeship-managers and/or mentors within companies to design high quality and meaningful apprenticeship placements (intellectual output 3). KIC furthermore supported the management and coordination of MentorTrain and was in particular responsible for the internal and external communication, including planning of dissemination and impact of the project’s outputs.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.