
For a Professional Higher Education Institution (PHEI) to be truly inclusive, it needs to reflect its diverse range of students. To achieve this, a PHEI should not just consider its study programmes and teaching & learning processes, but also aim for fully inclusive student engagement. Student engagement not only relates to student activism and student involvement in decision-making bodies, but also to the structures and practices of students’ organisations themselves.

All of these elements of student engagement do not fully reflect the diverse student community in a PHEI and can be difficult to access for non-traditional students and underrepresented student groups.

The InclusiPHE project intends to contribute to a more inclusive student environment by raising awareness for full student inclusion and providing PHEIs and their students’ organisations with concrete ideas, tools and guidance on how to make student engagement fully inclusive.

Full Project Name

InclusiPHE – Inclusive Engagement of Non-Traditional Students in Professional Higher Education



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KIC's role

Building on its extensive expertise in the areas of student engagement and inclusion, KIC collaborates with the partners in the development of all intellectual outputs and in particular co-leads the development of an Online Toolkit and Training Resources for Inclusive Student Engagement (Intellectual Output 4). KIC will furthermore act as knowledge transfer specialist and supports the coordination and management of InclusiPHE, in particular in areas such as internal and external communications, development of a dissemination strategy and impact assessment, design of the project website and other project branding materials.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.