
Professional Higher Education Institutions play an important role in enhancing European competitiveness and innovation capacity, especially on the regional level where they act as connectors and crucial links between the regional SMEs, regional organisations and society.

However, further support is needed for development and enhancement of staff capacity to engage into applied research & innovation activities, link these to teaching and develop relevant ways for engagement of students in these activities.

The RECAPHE project, therefore, aims to broaden insight and awareness of applied research & innovation activities within Professional Higher Education Institutions in Europe and to create a platform for imparting further competences to research staff and students related to their specific experience and needs.

Full Project Name

Recaphe – Enhancing Staff Research and Innovation Capacity in Professional Higher Education



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KIC's role

At the RECAPHE project, KIC collaborated with the partners in the development of all intellectual outputs and co-lead the creation of online Training Videos and Infrastructure on Research and Innovation Competences for PHE (Intellectual output 3). Across the project, KIC also lead on the internal and external communication and the project dissemination planning and supported the project coordinator in quality monitoring and risk management.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.