
StrategyHack supports the priorities of the European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan and focuses on capacity building on mid-level institutional leaders since a resilient transformation requires strengthening the connecting tissue between the high-level management strategy level and the digital-pedagogy level which these personnel provide.

StrategyHack will accelerate digital transformation of staff, programmes and institutional processes within Higher Education, promote and nourish high quality self-directed personalised learning environments with a strong digital component and lock in gains made to perceptions of digital learning during the COVID crisis and using these to promote more sustainable models of digital education.

Full Project Name

StrategyHack – Hacking Institutional Strategies for Rapidly Deployed Digital Education



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KIC's role

KIC contributed to the design of the Capacity Building Course on Digital Education strategies and created materials for the section Technology change which include the means for defining and mapping the Technology Enhanced Learning ecosystem at HE institutions and the main elements to define strategies for ensuring digital content access. In addition to materials for the Institutional Change section about how to include alternative, open, innovative credentials as well as how to use digital technologies to support the internationalization of the curriculum. Moreover, the team designed and set up the StrategyHack Learning platform to support the course deployment. (Intellectual Output 1) The KIC team also set up the technical infrastructure to support the Hackathons that implement the Peer-Learning Methodology for Digitalization Strategy Improvement defined by the project(Intellectual Output 2) Currently, our team leads the definition of the StrategyHack framework for a digital transformation strategy based on the ISO 21001 – Educational Organisation Management Systems which aims at helping (mid-level) institutional leaders to consolidate gains in digital transformation achieved during the COVID-19 crisis and move forward to sustainable long-term models of digital education provision.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.