
With the advent of each new technology come predictions of fundamental changes in education. Yet few of these changes have been realized. Digital learning may indeed be the technology that breaks that pattern, but this will only come to pass if educators are empowered to take advantage of the technologies and methodologies available to them.

The EdDiCo project aims at empowering individual educators to (a) identify the potential technology holds to transform and improve the education they offer, (b) identify the digital competences they would need to acquire to take advantage of those technologies and associated methodologies; (c) find the educational resources necessary to acquire those competences.

Full Project Name

EdDico – Supporting the Development of the Digital Competences of Educators



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KIC's role

KIC contributed to the conceptual design of the EdDiCo Competence metamodel as a mechanism to be used as an indexing or classification system for open resources (Intellectual Output 1). The KIC team also contributed to the design of the EdDiCo Learning Maturity model which created an organisational paradigm for digital education training content as means of structuring the information about the degree of expertise on specific competences for all those educators who aim at improving their digital competences (Intellectual Output 2). Our team also developed a machine-readable version of the Maturity model which served as the foundation for the design and development of the EdDiCo Directory of Open Educational Resources for Digital Education (Intellectual Output 3), which was also led by the KIC team. Moreover, the team contributed to populating the Directory with more than 100 quality-reviewed resources. The KIC team also led all activities conducted to the realization of the Self-Assessment and Recommendation tools for Digital Education (Intellectual Output 4). In addition, helped the project coordination team to monitor the progress of the project’s activities and dissemination actions.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.