
The NEXUS project explores the relationship between digitally enabled participatory tools and democracy, including such dimensions as citizen demand, state power, collective action and mobilization, and culture. Building on the idea that many opportunities for meaningful civic learning exist in online environments, NEXUS uses technologies that are familiar and appealing to digital natives.

NEXUS aims at innovating the civic educational process resulting in increased participation of students in their communities. As a part of this innovation, a MOOC on Civic education has been developed for students with a migrant and diverse background, focusing on Civic education micro-learning units. Subsequently, a knowledge-sharing platform (building on open educational resources and practices) for civic educators has been developed, focus on student civic engagement in the form of a strategic framework that emphasizes how the social inclusion needs of students with diverse backgrounds (including migrants) can be addressed. Finally, the notion of Civics has been re-written to version 4.0, connecting students to institutions in the digital age. For that purpose, an inventory of digital tools for Open Democracy and digital citizenship education has been compiled, together with a handbook for educators on civic education for a digital age.

Full Project Name

Nexus – Promoting the nexus of migrants through active citizenship



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KIC's role

As a company famous for designing socially innovative solutions to societal challenges through the development of creative concepts, KIC will be in charge of designing interactive toolbox to help both educators and students understand and make use of digital tools for citizens’ participation. KIC will also be tasked with hosting and organizing training on Civic education for the digital age. Our aim for the training is to create a reproduceable, modular training which can help any set of educational institutions in Europe to upgrade the knowledge on civic-tech tools of their teaching staff, in line with our goal to promote innovation approaches to digital participation in democratic processes.

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Collaborating with other organizations is an important part of our work. We are proud to work with a number of reputable partners. 

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.