
MicroHE aims to provide the most comprehensive policy analysis yet conducted of the impact of modularisation, unbundling and micro-credentialing in European Higher Education. The project will increase the quality and quantity of micro-credentials on offer within the European Higher Education Area, as well as enable recognition of those same credentials by different educational organizations and employers.

Strategically, it is believed that in the long-term micro-credentials will become a major pillar of university service, alongside teaching of degrees and research.

In quantitative terms, we expect to see a steady linear growth curve in the number of certified micro-credentials, with a shape similar that to the growth in MOOCs.

Full Project Name

MicroHE – Supporting Future Learning Excellence through Micro-Credentialing in Higher Education



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KIC's role

KIC team co-led the work package on Scenario Building of Micro-Credentials in Europe and contributed to defining future scenarios which explored the potential for micro-credential adoption in relation to national and international policy initiatives and rapidly developing technologies. The team also co-led the work package related to Facilitating the Portability of Micro-Credentials contributing to the definition of the meta-data standard for data exchange on recognition in Europe, which served as a reference in the development of the European Learning Model (https://github.com/european-commission-empl/European-Learning-Model) Moreover, the KIC team was involved in the overall MicroHE project management activities.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.