
The increasing unbundling of higher education and the availability of short learning programmes and online MOOCs have undeniable advantages to today’s lifelong learners. These more agile means of education are more suitable to address quickly emerging new skills and competencies demanded by the labour market. However, some issues – such as concerns about data protection and privacy or the lack of validation and recognition mechanisms of digital credentials – cause a serious bottleneck to progress. The ECCOE project aims to present a solution to many of these problems with the perspectives of learners, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and employers in mind in equal measure.

Full Project Name

ECOOE – European Credit Clearing house for Opening up Education



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KIC's role

KIC contributed to the design and development of quality criteria for competences and credentials related to learning opportunities offered by courses, modules, MOOCs. These quality criteria help to enhance the descriptive power of the European Learning Model(ELM) and ensure the availability of properties used (or desired) for credential’s external recognition (Intellectual Output 1). KIC along with the rest of the partners helped to create and validate a Model Credit Recognition Agreement as a solution to support the cross-institutional recognition and validation of prior learning, which is available in 6 languages (Intellectual Output 2). Moreover, KIC led the design and development and contributed with the rest of the consortium to populate an online catalogue of over 60 disciplinary and transversal learning opportunities which passed the selection criteria for cross-institutional recognition (Intellectual Output 3). The KIC team also led the design and implementation of a system for technology-enabled credentials to support their transparency, portability, and recognition (Intellectual Output 4). As well as the ECCOE system design and the supporting documentation needed by stakeholders to make use of the project results to ensure open, online, and flexible education ( Intellectual Output 5)

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.