Among the recent major developments in the process of digitalisation of education are opening up education with Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practices, the rapid growth of on-line course delivery via open source virtual learning environments like Moodle and Ilias, as well as MOOCs and different business environments. The DISCO project builds on the possibilities of the open standard of Open Badge 2.0 to work out a meaningful VET and CPD data structure of course and content typology, based on EU VET standards, on the OEPass – Open Education Passport project’s research findings, on the newly developed EDCI (Europass Digital Credential Infrastructure) standards for interoperability, and on the partners own national standards and classifications.

The results provided a grid of extra metadata accompanying a Badge. This system enables better mapping and manageability of their badges for VET and HE providers and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the project also developed an open source sample displayer platform (repository), where educational providers and learners alike could collect (issue, earn, store, view) their badges with more meaningful and more comprehensive searching possibilities, than internal repositories (like Moodle or Canvas) or third party products are offering now.

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KIC's role

KIC contributed to the report on Skills for open badges and digitally signed credentials in the new era. This report was an input for developing the Grid of extra metadata and displayer specification for further development of DIScoPLAYER platform and User guide. Our team experts were also a part of the team preparing the online course specifically involved in themes on European Digital Credentials for Learning. In addition, KIC helped the project coordination team to monitor the progress of the project’s activities and dissemination actions.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the view only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsile for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.